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5 Common Chiropractic Techniques for Back and Neck Pain

5 Common Chiropractic Techniques for Back and Neck Pain

When you are in pain, what you need are chiropractors near you to provide chiropractic care. To get neck pain treatment for things like text neck, you can count on the team at Urteaga Chiropractic to provide the treatments that will help. With three locations; Irwindale, CA, Whittier, CA, and Artesia, CA, we are here to help.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments can be used as a back pain treatment and as a neck pain treatment. While the type of adjustment may not necessarily be the same, getting the neck or the back into alignment is the same goal. Improper alignment of the spine can lead to or contribute to muscles tension as well as other pain problems. Thankfully, adjustments may be able to help you get relief

Ice and Heat

Ice and heat can both be effective for back and neck pain depending on what the cause of the pain is. Proper use of ice or heat can help increase circulation, decrease muscle tension, and potentially help you get relief.


Massage therapy can help accomplish a few different things. It can help break up knots that have formed in the muscles and it can also allow the muscles to relax, potentially allowing a treatment like a chiropractic adjustment to be more effective.

Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic exercise is designed to help the body maintain the good results that have come from the chiropractic treatments received. They can be done at home and are designed specifically for whatever is causing the pain in your neck or back.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression is the treatment of choice when you have a bulging or herniated disc. Spinal decompress seeks to help increase the space between the vertebrae, potentially allowing more blood and nutrients to get to the disc and also potentially allowing it to move back into its correct place between the vertebrae.

Get Neck Pain Treatment, Text Neck Treatment, Chiropractic Adjustments, and Chiropractic Care from Chiropractors Near You

Chronic pain can interrupt your life and cause you to miss out on what you need and want to do. Don’t chronic pain control you. At Urteaga Chiropractic, we have the treatments you may need to get relief. Give us a call at (562) 274-7771 (Whittier, CA), (562) 865-0569 (Artesia, CA) and (626) 400-5040 (Irwindale, CA) to make an appointment. Visit us for neck pain treatment, text neck treatment, chiropractic adjustments, and chiropractic care from chiropractors near you.

5 Common Chiropractic Techniques for Back and Neck Pain

When you are in pain, what you need are chiropractors near you to provide chiropractic care. To get neck pain treatment for things like text neck, you can count on the team at Urteaga Chiropractic to provide the treatments that will help. With three locations; Irwindale, CA, Whittier, CA, and Artesia, CA, we are here to help.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments can be used as a back pain treatment and as a neck pain treatment. While the type of adjustment may not necessarily be the same, getting the neck or the back into alignment is the same goal. Improper alignment of the spine can lead to or contribute to muscles tension as well as other pain problems. Thankfully, adjustments may be able to help you get relief

Ice and Heat

Ice and heat can both be effective for back and neck pain depending on what the cause of the pain is. Proper use of ice or heat can help increase circulation, decrease muscle tension, and potentially help you get relief.


Massage therapy can help accomplish a few different things. It can help break up knots that have formed in the muscles and it can also allow the muscles to relax, potentially allowing a treatment like a chiropractic adjustment to be more effective.

Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic exercise is designed to help the body maintain the good results that have come from the chiropractic treatments received. They can be done at home and are designed specifically for whatever is causing the pain in your neck or back.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression is the treatment of choice when you have a bulging or herniated disc. Spinal decompress seeks to help increase the space between the vertebrae, potentially allowing more blood and nutrients to get to the disc and also potentially allowing it to move back into its correct place between the vertebrae.

Get Neck Pain Treatment, Text Neck Treatment, Chiropractic Adjustments, and Chiropractic Care from Chiropractors Near You

Chronic pain can interrupt your life and cause you to miss out on what you need and want to do. Don’t chronic pain control you. At Urteaga Chiropractic, we have the treatments you may need to get relief. Give us a call at (562) 274-7771 (Whittier, CA), (562) 865-0569 (Artesia, CA) and (626) 400-5040 (Irwindale, CA) to make an appointment. Visit us for neck pain treatment, text neck treatment, chiropractic adjustments, and chiropractic care from chiropractors near you.